Ideal Protein Supplements You Don’t Want to Do Without
Why should I take the Ideal Protein vitamin supplements? Can’t I just use ones I’ve been taking?
Whenever you drastically cut calories and food intake, there’s a chance you won’t get all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs on a daily basis. Quite frankly, the chances are great that if you were eating a lot of junk food or empty calories before your diet, you may be deficient in several vitamins and nutrients even before you start the Ideal Protein Diet protocol.
Ideal Protein supplements are formulated to ensure dieters receive the minimum daily amounts of essential nutrients based on Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) guidelines.
What Ideal Protein Supplements Are Required?
There are four Ideal Protein supplements that are required while you are on the Ideal Protein diet protocol. They are the Multi-Vitamin, Cal-Mag Supplement, Omega-3 Plus Supplement, and Potassium Supplement. Just as we ensure you are getting the ideal daily amount of protein in your diet, these supplements also ensure you are getting the minimum nutrient amounts required by your body every single day. None of the nutrients in the Ideal Protein vitamin supplements would cause a hyper dose or be considered a high dose although sometimes, due to age or a specific medical condition, you may need additional supplementation. If additional supplementation is needed, your coach will address it under guidance from your medical professional.
The Ideal Protein Vitamin Supplement: The Multi-Vitamin
A lot of Americans take a multi-vitamin every day even if they’re not on the Ideal Protein Diet. Let’s face it; it’s not easy to eat a well-balanced, low-calorie diet and get the nutrients we need solely from food.
Taking a multivitamin gets you the sufficient amounts of the vitamins and minerals you need that your diet may not be providing. The Multi-Vitamin, the Ideal Protein vitamin supplement, is especially formulated for dieters on the Ideal Protein Diet to fill in the nutrient gaps that result from a drastic cut in calories. It is used to improve many of your body’s functions and support your weight loss.
Ideal Protein Supplement: Cal-Mag
The Cal-Mag supplement contains 600 milligrams of calcium citrate. Most calcium supplements on the market contain calcium carbonate, which has a higher amount of elemental calcium by weight than calcium citrate, approximately 40% versus 21%. However, calcium citrate is generally thought to be higher quality because it is more absorbable, or bio-available, to the body. Two eight-ounce glasses of milk provides the body with approximately the equivalent amount of calcium you will be taking in the Cal-Mag Ideal Protein Supplement. Whole milk contains 291 milligrams for calcium per 8-ounce serving and skim provides 302 milligrams. Since you will be eating no dairy products while on the Ideal Protein Weight Loss protocol, it is important to support the body by taking the Cal-Mag supplement.
Additional calcium is found in the Potassium supplement (200 milligrams of calcium carbonate) and the Multi-Vitamin (84 milligrams of calcium citrate.) These amounts in addition to the calcium consumed through four cups of vegetables and 8 ounces of protein per day ensure that Ideal Protein dieters get the minimum daily amount of calcium they need to every day.
The Ideal Protein Omega-3 Plus Supplement
If there’s one type of fat you don’t want to cut back on it’s omega-3 fatty acids. There are two omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are found in fish that are critical to proper body functions. These fatty acids help lower blood pressure, reduce triglyceride levels, slow the development of plaque in the arteries, and boost the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs. The Ideal Protein Omega-3 Plus supplement has been formulated from krill oil with these two types of omega-3 fatty acids. We recommend taking two softgels, totally 1,530 milligrams, in the evening, preferably with your evening meal. The softgels are perfectly formulated with the proper 2:1 ratio of EPA to DHA fatty acids dieters need on a daily basis.
Potassium: An Ideal Protein Supplement for Proper Bodily Functions
It’s estimated that the average healthy adult loses approximately 2,000 milligrams of potassium per day just through bodily functions of elimination like urination, perspiration, and defecation, and RDAs recommend replacing that potassium through the use of our Ideal Protein supplement. On the Ideal Protein Weight Loss protocol you will consume some elemental potassium (332 milligrams) by eating two of the Ideal Protein foods. You’ll get another 20 milligrams of potassium citrate in the Multi-Vitamin, and the Potassiumsupplement supplies an additional 312 milligrams of potassium bicarbonate.
Potassium is a body “must-have.” It’s extremely important for nerve transmission, cardiac function, and maintaining proper fluid and mineral balance. Athletes will often take potassium supplements or eat potassium-rich foods such as bananas (467 milligrams) to offset losses due to increased perspiration. As with the Multi-Vitamin and the Cal-Mag supplements, the Potassium Ideal Protein Supplement is meant supplement the minimum daily requirement needed to fill the gaps left by the foods you are not eating while on the Ideal Protein Weight Loss protocol.
If you’ve noticed that the number of milligrams above do not equal the 2,000 lost per day, it’s because many of the foods you can eat while in Phase I of the Ideal Protein diet are rich in potassium. For example, one-half cup of cooked mushrooms contains 277 milligrams of potassium. One cup of zucchini contains 346 milligrams, and a five ounce piece of chicken breast contains 319 milligrams of potassium. When you add it all up, your four cups of veggies and 8 ounces of protein, plus your potassium supplement, you can see that our Ideal Protein supplement for potassium is specifically formulated to make the math come out right.
Can I use other supplements that are less expensive?
There are vitamins out there that look similar to the Ideal Protein brand of supplements, but looks can be deceiving. Vitamins sold by stores are made to have a long shelf life. This means that they have fillers to keep them from aging. This is not good – these fillers can significantly affect the absorption rate of the vitamins, and CAN SLOW DOWN WEIGHT LOSS.
In the long run less expensive vitamins will COST you money. One extra week on the diet will wipe out all of the money saved on less expensive vitamins, so take your Ideal Protein vitamins religiously.
Additional Ideal Protein Supplements
In addition to the four essential Ideal Protein supplements listed above, we also offer the Anti-Oxy, Enzymes and the Flora Health Probiotic. We will discuss these in a blog post at a later time. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding Ideal Protein supplementation, talk to your diet coach at your next appointment or give us a call to come in and see us.
I enrolled in to Ideal Protein a few years back. Can I still buy products and supplements without reenrolling?
Hi there Ron, we take transfers for free. Please call our office for more information 425-791-2712. Good Luck!
Hi, can you take the all four of the pills if you are not doing Ideal protein anymore
Great questions! The Ideal vitamins are AMAZING! I encourage all of my dieters to keep taking them.
Compared to other high quality vitamins on the market – they offer the same quality at great value. Plus, they keep you connected to your clinic which keeps you accountable.
As far as vitamins that you buy in the grocery stores or big wholesale warehouses, those supplements are infused with preservatives so they survive a longer distribution cycle than the Ideal Protein vitamins. These preservatives prevent the absorption of the critical micronutrients our body needs. The Ideal Protein Multi-vitamin will AGE if you leave it out on the counter. This is a GOOD thing!
Good Luck!
I am starting again on Ideal Protein and bought the four supplement vitamins. Remind me though – do I only take one of each in Phase 1? I seem to recall there was one I needed to take two of but can’t remember which. Also I find it easier to take them all at once at night. Thanks. S
2 Multi, 2 Omega, 1 potassium, 4 Cal Mag pills OR 2 Cal Mag chews
Calcium absorption caps out at 500mg at a time. 4 Cal-Mag pills are 600mg, so you may lose that 100mg if you take them all at once – so I would suggest that you take your Cal-Mags at lunch and then again at night.
Good luck!
What foods do you recommend that are high in protein for Phase I and II? I need to reach 1200mgs/day. My doctor wants me to get 600 from natural foods. I know collard greens are quite high and kale is a second runner up. Sardines and salmon with bones are good as is tofu. Are sardines allowed on the diet? I’ll probably be on the diet about 2 months this time. I’m considering taking the plunge for all the IP supplements, not just the Cal-Mag. Any suggestions on how I can maximize my calcium intake. I don’t want to get tired by repeating the same foods even if I get a variety of recipes.
Spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, brussel sprouts, asparagus, arugula are all vegetables with protein that you can have on Phase 1. You should NEVER, EVER do Ideal Protein without ALL of the supplements. A clinic that allows you to forego the supplements should be CLOSED – these supplements are the key to predictable weight loss. You are missing too many micronutrients without them!
Good Luck,
Hi! I wanted to order more Omega-3 plus soft gels. I live in Dublin and I wanted to order on line.
I looked these up and cannot find them anywhere?
Clinics aren’t allowed to sell online – I’d check with to see if there is a clinic in Ireland that can sell you the Omegas. They are some of the best Omega-3’s on the market!
Good luck!
Does it matter what time of day you take each one or can you take them all at once in the morning?
Just get them all in! … Omega is better at night, so I suggest if you take them all at once, do it in the evening.
When do I take each supplement?
I have my dieters take supplements after lunch and then again after dinner.
Here’s how we spread them out:
Lunch – 1 Multi, 2 Cal-Mag Pills or 1 Chew, (for my dieters not on IP Salt, 1 Potassium)
Dinner – 1 Multi, 2 Cal-Mags Pills or 1 Chew, 1 Potassium, 2 Omegas
If you miss lunch, you should absolutely take them all at once!! However for the best absorption of Calcium, you should spread those out, so try not to miss the lunch supplements.
Hope this helps!
Good Luck!
how much calcium is in EACH tablet of Cal-Mag?
how much calcium, mag, and Vitamin D is in EACH tablet of MultiVitamin?
If an MD wants an individual to have 1200mg of calcium each day, would that be in addition to what is required by Phase 1?
Jack, A single Cal-Mag has Vitamin D 65 IU Calcium (citrate) 150mg Magnesium (citrate) 75mg. I think you should ask your MD about this. I’m emailing you a Phase 1 to share with your doctor, then he/she can advise whether or not you need 1200mg or additional since you’re dieting. I hope that makes helps!