Ingredients Chicken 4 oz chicken breast, raw1tsp garlic powder1tsp onion powder1 tsp turmeric½ tsp salt½ tsp pepper½ tsp ground ginger Veggies ½ head purple and green cabbage, sliced½ bell pepper, sliced½ cucumber, sliced ¼ tomato, sliced¼ red onion, sliced...
Ingredients 2 tbsp riced cauliflower1 tsp onion powder1 tsp garlic powder1 tsp salt1 tsp pepper1 tbsp olive oil½ bell pepper, finely chopped½ onion, finely chopped (P2/P3)1 tsp minced garlic1 eggP2/P3 optional: 1 oz chopped turkey bacon, 1 oz cheddar cheese Directions...
Red foods are so great for you. The are loaded with anti-oxidants that help fight heart disease and decrease the risk for stroke.
Ingredients 3 egg whites1 tsp Walden Farms Mocha Creamer1 packet of Ideal Protein Vanilla Pudding MixOptional: P2/P3 top with 1/2 cup raspberries Directions Using an electric whisk, whip the egg whites until they form a peak.Add 1 tsp of the Walden Farms Mocha Creamer...
Thank you to the blueberries and broccoli, the strawberries and sweet potatoes. I say it to the grocery store that reminds me the moment I walk in the door that I have incredibly nutritious and delicious foods that not only satisfy my hunger and taste buds but help me take care of my body and mind.
Ingredients 4 oz raw chicken breast2 tbsp Walden Farms Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette2 cups total of broccolini, mushrooms, tomato1 basil leaf1 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp garlic powder1tsp onion powder1 tsp salt1 tsp pepperP2/P3 optional: 1 medium baked sweet potato...
Ingredients 4-6 oz chicken breast or tenders1 tsp olive oil1 tsp + 1 tbsp Walden Farms Sweet Onion Dressinglettuce2 cups total of thinly sliced cucumber, bell pepper, red onion Directions marinate chicken breast or tenders in Walden Farms Sweet Onion Dressingseason...
What is all the hype about Spring Cleaning? Communities have cleanup events and park pick-ups. Cleaning product manufacturers boost promotions and ads.Magazines in the checkout aisle at the grocery store are loaded with cleaning tips. Why is this such a spring thing?...
It’s time to recognize the members of our community that have transformed their lives by losing 100lbs or more. We’re going to get the ball rolling with some recent folks. Then we’ll work through our club list and post the rest, along with some info...